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Study Case



Sanlam is one of the largest shirt and long term financial services provider in South Africa and globally, had undergone vast organizational change and the client invested in a Digital Content Management. They wanted to deliver a consistent and comfortable experience improve the customer retention, improve revenue via channel acquisition and improve operational efficiency. The client required an implementation strategy and advisory for content migration.

The marketing plan was developed to launch the brand, market penetration, content and creative development and marketing campaign.

The merger brings together Sizwe’s 46 900 membership with Hosmed’s 21 000, according to these membership numbers, the merged entity becomes the 8th largest medical scheme in the country with the fourth-highest solvency ratio of the top ten largest medical schemes. While brand awareness is high for both brands within the medical aid industry, it is relatively low amongst the end customers.

They rely on Interactive Brand Solutions for multiple services including strategic marketing, media buying and planning, leads generation and social media management.

Interactive Brand Solutions Services

  • Lack of analytic capabilities to effectively understand digital content impact
  • No clearly defined process for digital content management
  • No future vision and growth strategy for digital content management
  • Established a Digital Content Management Strategy and Roadmap to build Sanlam capabilities across the enterprise
  • Consolidated web analytics tools and functions across the enterprise to enable better information to drive sales and marketing activities online
  • Identified a content migration strategy for existing digital content
  • Created a migration process and procedure to repurpose existing content within the new content management process
  • Provided an implementation roadmap for the three-year development process with cost and effort estimates as well as timelines and milestone points
  • Developed an immediate action strategy to realize value early while establishing the foundation for the future state to come

We aren’t happy with our creation until you are. we take tremendous care of your needs.


A strong online marketing plan can help build you an effective brand.

Our campaigns are custom-built and tailored to the product or service. Because we do things differently, we consistently generate quality leads for our clients.

We are innovative and redefine brand value

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